In Fashion on
November 6, 2019

The Easiest DIY Manicure

featured image holding a coffee mug

Going to the nail salon can be a lot of fun. Several people I know have it as a staple of their self-care routine. And it’s easy to see why. You feel pampered and who doesn’t love cute nails? I was a huge advocate of nail salon visits upon moving to Dallas. But my random schedule, location(s), and cost drove me away from the habit. Not to mention, the electric filing on my nails were not doing them any favors. In today’s post I am sharing with you what I have found to be the easiest DIY manicure!

Am I about to share an über specific product with you in hopes that you will buy it? Yes. 

Does this product happen to come from a direct sales (MLM) company? Yes.

Am I the seller of this product? No. 

diy color street manicure

Let me walk you through how I discovered Color Street and how I was deeply suspicious of it for some time. 

Nail polish strips, not the newest thing under the sun. I remember trying them out for the first time in early high school. When my mom first told me she was selling them during one of our near daily phone calls, I rolled my eyes. (Sorry mom!) We millennials are constantly plagued by the “HEY GIRL I KNOW WE HAVEN’T TALKED IN A WHILE BUT LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY BIZ” Instagram DMs. They are annoying. That much we can agree on. I was so resistant to even trying out the product because I didn’t remember being in love with them when I tried them the first time.

But my mom sent me 2 full sets of strips to try out and they sat in my drawer for probably a month. Then I finally tried them out and my first impression was still not head over heels for them. There IS a learning curve with these things. And to be honest, my toxic trait is if I’m not immediately good at something I don’t want to do it anymore. So I wear them on my nails for a while and I’m getting compliments on them too. “Okay,” I think, “I’ll give it another go.”

Then Color Street released new spring shades that were SO cute. And I have a plug, my mom. One shade I was drawn to in particular was “Party in the USA” but I was missing my old almond shaped nails from my salon days. So I did a little experiment buying faux Kiss nails from Walmart in my desired shape and length and spent an afternoon applying both the faux nails and then the color street strips. I LOVED the result! The strips held up wonderfully, but I had to take them off around the 10-day mark because the faux nails kept popping off. (I was still in retail at this point). By then I was hooked. 

The only photo I could find from when I did these lol

A quick list of things I like best about Color Street:

  • No dry time: They are dry strips, I don’t have the same wait time I would with typical nail polish.
  • Great price point: From $11-$14 it is much more budget friendly than a salon visit
  • Staying power: The company claims your manicure will last up to 10 days, but I have certainly worn them longer, especially the glitters!
  • Easy Removal: Because the strips are made of 100% nail polish, when it’s time to switch it up removal is so easy. Just use your favorite nail polish remover.
  • So. Mani. Options! (lol): But really, from solids, glitters, and french tips that change with the seasons to holiday collections and awareness shades there is always going to be a manicure that suits your mood.
diy color street manicure

So now we’re here.

I really have enjoyed doing my nails with these strips and don’t see myself straying away from them any time soon. Something that really surprised me about Color Street is how trend savvy they are. Next I’m eyeing “Trend Spotted” and “Goodnight Hiss“. They also make great gifts (hellllooooo holidays!) either on their own or as part of a bigger manicure gift basket!

If you want to try out Color Street but are still on the fence, head on over to my mom’s Facebook Page where she would be thrilled to send you a free sample! You can also check out the entire stock of nail polish strips at

Disclaimer: Because my mom sells this product, I did receive it at no cost to me. I have however grown to love it independently and that is why I wanted to share it with all of you! All opinions are my own.

Thank you so much for reading!


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