Hi Fab Friends!
Can I be really honest with y’all for a second?
I have had a really hard time getting in the Christmas spirit the last few years. I don’t know if it is from not participating in Christmas pageants that were such a staple in my childhood, or just the general stage of life I am in. I seem to hit a funk the same time everyone else starts blaring “All I Want for Christmas is You” and trimming their trees. I genuinely hope I’m not alone in this, or this post is going to be a MAJOR flop lol. But on a real note, if you struggle to have a Holly Jolly Christmas, read on and I hope I can help both of us out.
I love watching House Hunters on HGTV as many people do. I’m always amazed by the people that have non-descriptive jobs have a million dollar budget, like what’s up with that?? And of course the ever hilarious *big sigh* “It doesn’t have granite countertops or stainless steel appliances, so I don’t know if I can even cook in here” when it’s a perfectly fine kitchen!
Anyway, now that I know I want to make Dallas my permanent home, it’s time for me to find a permanent place to live! I love apartment hunting. I did it briefly in college, but I’m excited to be doing it again. Except now that I have a big girl job, I’m going to be footing the bill myself, Boooo.