In From My Kitchen on
June 23, 2019

From My Kitchen: Ginger Syrup

rooftop pool drink

Moscow Mules. They have nothing to do with Moscow, but they are delicious! I think I was introduced to them sometime after moving to Dallas. Maybe it was when I met my friend Meg at The Statler’s pool over last summer. ANYWAY it was love at first sip for sure. Easy to drink, not too sugary, and refreshing! Here I’m going to show you the recipe I found and followed to make ginger syrup that is the base for the best Moscow Mule I’ve had!

Shortly after discovering this new-to-me beverage, I started thinking about how I could make it at home. I quickly learned ordering one of these while out should be a semi rare treat ($$$). About this time, my roommate took a chance and brought this mix home and it is FANTASTIC. Ginger and lime already together, all there is to do is add a vodka of your choice (or not, for my dry friends) and top with club soda.

Hella Moscow Mule Mix

Now, you may be wondering, “The title says ginger syrup but now she’s talking about a mix?” Never one to do things the same way twice (or in this case, after probably 6 or so bottles of this mix), and finding out about Greg’s amazing channel on Youtube, I was inspired to take my mule experience to the next level. Here I used his recipe to make my own ginger syrup.

Ginger Syrup: Ingredients

  • 1 lb of Ginger Root
  • 2 & 1/2 Cups of Water
  • 2 Cups of Sugar

Tools needed:


  1. First things first; you have to peel all that ginger. Some people swear by using a spoon but I found it easier to use a vegetable peeler. It doesn’t have to be perfect as you will be straining the mixture later. The first time I did this it took me FOREVER. The next time I had some help and realized the no need for perfection and it went a lot faster.
  2. Now that you have all of that ginger peeled and you’re going to chop it up. Again, no need for preciseness, just make the ginger into smaller pieces of ginger.
  3. Add your ginger, water, and sugar to your pot. Mix it up and bring to a simmer. I simmered mine for an hour, stirring occasionally.
  4. After reducing down (mine ended up being about 2 cups) I found it best to remove the large pieces of ginger with a slotted spoon before straining into a large measuring glass. I then transferred my syrup to a very professional looking bottle I found at Target.
  5. Make yourself a mule! You’ve worked hard for it!

How I make my Moscow Mule:

(Again, I got this from Greg at How to Drink)

  1. Get a copper mug and fill it halfway with ice (I actually don’t own any copper mugs yet. These are my dream mugs but I can’t bring myself to spend the money)
  2. 2 oz. of Ginger Syrup
  3. 2 oz. of Vodka
  4. 1 oz. of Lime Juice
  5. Top with club soda, about 8 oz. maybe? I just eyeball and taste test it.
  6. Garnish with a lime wedge if you’re feeling fancy

Stir and enjoy!

Was it Worth it?

I say it was. I love the mule this syrup makes. They are a little sweeter than the ones from the mix (and I have a sweet tooth so that’s a win for me) and they have more of the ginger fire you feel in your chest. So if you love mules and find yourself having a couple hours you don’t know what to do with, I highly recommend this recipe!

Did you like this type of post? Would reviews of recipes that I have tried be something you would like to see more of? Let me know in the comments!

Thank you so much for reading! Until next time, fab friends! Xoxo,

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