In Lifestyle on
January 10, 2020

Looking Back on 2019 & Forward to 2020

Friends, it’s that time. We say goodby to another year and look forward to the next. 2019 was perhaps my favorite year yet and I am beyond excited for what 2020 will hold! In today’s post I’m going to reflect on a few things that made this year so great and share some of my plans for the upcoming year. We are speaking things into existence over here!

I started 2019 in a rut. I was not loving my job, and felt stuck. Then things started to happen. Quickly. If you’ve been here before you may have already seen my “One Year in Dallas” post where I announced that I was going to be attending training to become a flight attendant. And if you follow me on instagram you certainly have seen some of my adventures since then! (Peak the 2019 recap photos at the top of this post!)

The Best of 2019

Easily the best part of 2019 was my new career. And 6 months later I am still loving it!

Other good things 2019 brought:

  • Meeting All the New People! From training, to a new city, and having new co-workers almost every time I go to work there was no shortage of friends to be made
  • Destinations Crossed Off My List! “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list”, I saw this quote for the first time in a friend’s dorm room in college and though ‘I feel that way, but how will I ever make it happen?’ Travel is my job now and during work and days off I have managed to visit so many different places I hadn’t before. Like Los Angeles CA, Phoenix AZ, Oklahoma City OK, and even further away like Santiago, Chile, and Tulum, Mexico.
  • Getting Home More Often! While going new places and meeting new people is so fun, there’s no place like home. I have been able to visit my friends and family in South Carolina more in 2019.

Challenges of 2019

I don’t love focusing on negatives but the whole year was not all rainbows and sunshine and I think it is important to acknowledge the challenges we face.

The hardest part of 2019 was my second cross country move in 2 years to Boston. When our bases were revealed in training and the cute little ‘boarding pass’ in my hands said “BOS” I had to hold back tears for the next hour while we did another lesson. And then I sobbed in the bathroom. True story. Once arriving in Boston, getting into the job, and making friends it has gotten easier, but the weather and living arrangement (have you ever shared a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom place with 14 people?) still makes it tough. This girl is ready to be back in Dallas!

Looking Ahead to 2020

I love the start of a new year! I know resolutions can be gimmicky and some folks find them annoying but I love the feeling of a fresh start January 1 brings. I for one have A LOT of resolutions, but I’ll try to keep this short.

How I plan to keep track of these changes

Another thing I love about the new year is a new planner! When I was in school I kept an August-July planner, but now that I am no longer a student I get a standard calender year planner. To be honest I love the idea of a planner more than the functionality of it. Meaning lots of times my planners go largely unused. I aim to change that this year! (Lol, first resolution) For 2020 I went to my local Target to peruse the selection they had and settled on the Habit Tracker planner by Blue Sky. I love that this planner is mostly a big to-do list that I get to check off each day with ample space for ‘brain dumps’!

I jazzed it up with a bit of glitter!
Here you can see the blank pages of a new month!

In the interest of keeping this post a reasonable length I won’t go too in depth on my planner. But who knows, maybe it will make an appearance on another post. For some reason this planner is not listed on Target’s website, so if you are interested I guess you’ll have to check it out in stores!

A Quick List of My Other 2020 Resolutions:
  • Consistent quiet time with The Lord. This is something that truthfully I’ve never had a good habit of. Praise God that he is merciful when I am so imperfect. I am excited to get a real routine of talking with my Heavenly Father every day! I will be using the Bible app which has the complete text of the Bible in any version you want as well as daily plans and devotionals!
  • Drink. More. Water. Gosh in high school I used to drink Coca Cola like it was my job. Luckily I’ve scaled way back (not looking to cut it out entirely, though) My January goal is to drink at least a liter of water a day. This may not sound like much to some but if I started with a higher number than that I think I’d get too intimidated. I will revisit this once I get the 1 liter down pat and see about upping that number.
  • Really tackle my debt. One thing I really regret brining with me from 2019 is some credit card debt. My first focus is to get that gone, I’m thinking by the end of March. Once my credit card debt is non-existent, I then want to more aggressively attack my student loan payments. Ya girl would like to buy a house some day!

Those are my top 3 for now, I have some smaller goals too including; visiting Paris, learning French before then, have a better budget, and work more here on my site! I plan to make a digital vision board in the next week or so with these smaller and more “fun” goals included. I always loved making collages when I was younger so I know this vision board thing is right up my alley.

Let’s kick some 2020 Butt!

So there we have it, folks. My resolutions, out here on the ‘net for everyone to see! Thank y’all so much for reading! Feel free to share your 2019 highs and lows, and what you are most looking forward to in 2020 in the comments below. This is our year, Let’s get it!

Stay Fab! Xoxo,

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