In Lifestyle on
December 18, 2018

What to do When You Don’t Feel in the Christmas Spirit

Hi Fab Friends!
Can I be really honest with y’all for a second?
I have had a really hard time getting in the Christmas spirit the last few years. I don’t know if it is from not participating in Christmas pageants that were such a staple in my childhood, or just the general stage of life I am in. I seem to hit a funk the same time everyone else starts blaring “All I Want for Christmas is You” and trimming their trees. I genuinely hope I’m not alone in this, or this post is going to be a MAJOR flop lol. But on a real note, if you struggle to have a Holly Jolly Christmas, read on and I hope I can help both of us out.

1. Change your phone’s wallpaper

christmas phone wallpaper

I know this one seems silly and minor, but having something happy and holiday related on your phone screen is a really great and constant reminder to ’tis the season.
Here is my current one:

And if you just search “christmas wallpapers” on Pinterest you can find a ton more!

2. Holiday Programs

Hallmark and Lifetime movies aren’t for everyone. They certainty aren’t for me. If you’re like me and struggle with the cynicism that comes while watching those movies, skip them all together. There are plenty of other holiday movies that don’t have major romantic over tones. It is so nice to take an evening, chill out, and take a break from responsibilities.

My all time favorite Christmas movie is “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” (what does that say about me? Lol). And if I am feeling especially sentimental, I love the classic “Miracle on 34th Street”.

3. Scent it up

It has been proven that scent is one of the strongest memory triggers. With the abundance of holiday candles at all budget levels, this is a very budget friendly way to get yourself to holiday mode. You of course can go for the classics like balsam fir, apple spice, and “winter“. One candle that holds special holiday memories for me is sandalwood and vanilla, a friend of my mom gave it to her one year as a Christmas gift, and mom burned it all during the season. So now I associate that nontraditional scent with Christmas.

Winter scented candle from bath and bodyworks

3. Holiday activities

These may not be for everybody that has a hard time with Christmas, but if I can make time in my schedule to do a holiday activity it certainly makes me feel more connected to holiday spirit. These activities could be simple; like decorating cookies or helping decorate the tree. Or they can be more involved; such as getting out of the house to see Christmas lights or even a local holiday parade.

4. Spend time with loved ones

This may be a “duh” one but I feel it’s worth mentioning for a couple of reasons. “Loved ones” doesn’t always have to mean family. Being 1,000 miles away from home myself, I am learning more about what having loved ones means. While I will get to go to South Carolina for several days around Christmas, I also want to take advantage of spending this season with the amazing friends I have made here in Dallas. Being the extrovert that I am, everything, for me, is better when it is shared with others.

5. Give Back/Volunteer

Donating and volunteering are amazing things to do any time of the year. And they are even more so during this time of year. Something about giving back has a way of making you feel more connected to your fellow-man. It makes us realize we’re not so different after all. Whether you adopt a child off of the angel tree or give your time at a local shelter, I guarantee you’ll come out of it feeling more encouraged.

6. Reflect on the “Reason for the Season”

One thing I always look forward to this time of year is studying the account of the birth of Christ. Even though I have heard this story every year since I was a baby, each year I learn something new and exciting about it. This year has been focused around the faith of Mary but also of Joseph. Can you imagine being in his shoes? In such a conservative Jewish community your fiancée tells you the impossible story of being pregnant with the Son of God?? What an amazing story of faith before Jesus even entered the world! I’ve been doing an awesome study called “Noel; Christmas is for Everyone” on the Bible app. I highly recommend both the app and this specific study!

What do you do to get in the Christmas Spirit?

Thank you so much for reading a bit more personal post!



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