In Fashion on
October 19, 2019

3 DIY Couples’ Costumes

quick look at all the costumes I will be describing

With only a couple weeks until Halloween, now is when we truly see the differences in society. I’m talking about the two primary groups we are all divided into: Those who I have been planning their costume since July and think posts like these are for amateurs, and those who realized, “oh snap, I gotta figure out what I’m doing for Halloween and what I’m going to wear”. Welcome, second group. This is a safe space, I too am a last minute costume planner. 

If you’re in a relationship, the process can be even more taxing as you want to make sure you and your Boo are coordinating. Here I am sharing my top 3 favorite costumes I’ve done with my boyfriend, Bailey. Best of luck, witches!

Note: I did my best to link like items for you but I would highly recommend checking out your local Walmart, Target, or dollar store. No affiliate links are used in this post.

1. Daphne and Fred from Scooby Doo

Reached back in the childhood archives for this one! Scooby Doo was a favorite of both mine and Bailey’s growing up. When stumped for an idea last year we landed on this for the nostalgia and ease of materials. This is a fairly easy costume to throw together and we actually did do it last minute.

While I already had the headband and leggings, I did not have a purple dress. I found one on the clearance rack in the junior section at Dillards. Below I’ve linked an option for you! I really wanted to commit and the boots are what did it for me. I found these last minute at Charlotte Ruse (rip) for $20. Some fun go-go boots would also be a great move here.

Bailey already had his shoes, jeans, and blue polo. We picked up the crew neck white sweatshirt at Walmart for under $10! (Side note, Walmart sweatshirts are my favorite clothing items they carry) For the scarves, that was super easy again. We twirled over to the fabric department also in Walmart and got half a yard each of orange and green fabric! All in all I maybe spent $50 because I had to buy the majority of my pieces. You may can get a better deal with a little more time to shop around. Bailey however, spent under $15 with the sweatshirt and picked up the tab for both the scarves (and a bag of candy).

This was a huge hit with everyone that night. Total strangers were coming up to us and saying how it totally took them back to their childhood!

Daphne: Dress | Leggings | Boots Similar Go-Go | Scarf | Headband

Fred: Sweatshirt | Polo | Jeans | Shoes | Ascot

2. Bob Ross and a Happy Little Tree

This costume has gained more traction recently and I am so glad! It’s adorable and so wholesome. A friend of mine and Bailey’s sent a screen shot of it to our friend group message saying she could see us doing this. So we did!

I was heavily inspired by the photo she sent where the girl was an autumn tree with a skirt and thigh-high tights. You could totally make this your own and do a spring tree with greenery and flowers! For my part I found the top and tights at Charlotte Ruse. (Wow, I didn’t realize I relied on them so heavily for costumes). While the leaf garland and headband were found in Walmart in the floral and halloween sections respectively. I already had the denim skirt, but this could easily be switched out for jeans or leggings. I originally intended on gluing leaves to the top but then could see myself wearing it in other situations, so I put the glue gun down.

For Bailey’s part, he already had the jeans and denim shirt, so we just had to order the wig! Not pictured here, the artist palette and paint brush he carried around that night to complete the look.

Happy Little Tree: Top | Skirt | Tights | Leaves | Headband | Shoes

Bob Ross: Shirt | Jeans | Wig | Palette

Koala and a Tree

It is widely accepted that Koalas are the cutest little guys to come out of Australia. They also make for an easy-peasy halloween costume with a monochrome outfit and ears! (Sorry about the photo, this was years before I considered putting my life online 🙈).

It all started when Bailey found a green jumpsuit in Goodwill in late September. At first we wanted to make it a Maverick from ‘Top Gun’ moment, but we were very broke college kids and the patches were running a little high. Last minute I found “Koala and Tree” during my online search and we went with it.

For my part, I already had a gray sweatshirt (Walmart $5 crewneck, heyyy) and taupe combat boots. Because I am so extra I also made it my mission to find gray leggings as well. Looking back, I gave myself a lot of heartburn over finding them and wish I would have just stuck with jeans. I made the ears myself using this tutorial with slight variations of gluing the ears to the headband and adding pulled apart cotton balls for the fluff. I went extra with the make-up giving myself the large black triangle that is their muzzle.

Bailey wore his green jumpsuit, and we picked up a green baseball cap from the craft store. We cut out leaves from construction paper and glued those to the hat as well. He completed his look with hunters’ face paint.

Koala: Top (the men’s fit is better) | Leggings | Shoes (linked sneakers because they were a better color match)

Tree: Jumpsuit | Hat | Facepaint

This was a super fun costume and worked perfectly for the fact that we went to a corn maze and had to be mobil.

Those are my 3 couples’ costume ideas and how to do them. I hope you found this helpful! Do you have any big plans for Halloween? Let me know in the comments!

As always, thank you for reading, Stay fab!


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